For reservation call us
- Rooms - 2
- Beds - 4
- Floor - 1
- 1000 UAH/d 5-20 days
- 1100 UAH/d 1-4 days
- 900 UAH/d более 21 суток
- 8000 $ long term
- UAH Deposit
83.46 UAH/d
Tourist fee
(per person)
- TV
- Conditioner
- Internet
- Washing Machine
- Vacuum Cleaned
- Microwave
- Hairdryer
- Electric Kettle
- Refrigerator
The Disener's apartment is located in a new security complex near M. Kievsky. The area of the complex is green, near the park, there's a beautiful lake, which allows guests to feel that they don't live in a loud megapolis, but on the horse's horse, but you're right next to the cent! Apartments are in bright colors. The total area of the apartments is 200 metres. The disiner is zoning space by separating the area of sleep from the recreational zone with a glass partition. Sun's split. A simple kitchen zone. The compound is guarded for 24 hours, a hogbow, a parking! One stop at the center of the city!Reviews
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- 1100 UAH/d 1-4 days
- 1000 UAH/d 4-20 days
- 900 UAH/d более 21 суток